Delivery & Return

We deliver to all areas across Egypt.

The moment you complete your purchase, your delivery will be processed. You will receive a confirmation email to the email registered, which includes the goods you have ordered and their cost.

After your orders gets received by the shipping courier, you will receive a text message including the order tracking number and delivery schedule.

Delivery Options.
  • Home Delivery - from 2 - 7 days
Home Delivery.

Standard delivery is available within:

Greater Cairo:

  • Cairo and Giza; Flat shipping fee = EGP 60


  • Alexandria; Flat shipping fee = EGP 65

Delta; Flat shipping fee = EGP 75

  • Qaliyobiya
  • Minoufiya
  • Sharqiya
  • Gharbiya
  • Daqahliya
  • Behaira
  • Damietta
  • Kafr-e-Sheikh

Suez Canal; Flat shipping fee = EGP 80

  • Port Said
  • Ismailia
  • Suez

Upper Egypt; Flat shipping fee = EGP80

  • Fayoum
  • Beni Suef
  • Miniya
  • Assiut
  • Sohag
  • Qena
  • Luxor
  • Aswan

Red Sea & North Coast; Flat shipping fee = EGP90

  • Red Sea
  • South Sinai
  • North Coast
  • Matrouh
  • New Valley
  • North Sinai
  • Marsa Alam
Return Policy

When you opt for an order/item return, return shipping fees are subtracted from the return amount in addition to deducting the original delivery fees.

Greater Cairo; Flat return fee = EGP 60

Alexandria; Flat return fee = EGP 65

Delta; Flat return fee = EGP 75

Suez Canal; Flat return fee = EGP 80

Upper Egypt; Flat return fee = EGP 90

Red Sea